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About us

TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com covers invention, innovation and emerging technologies in all fields of human endeavor – everything from computing, communication and automation, through social innovation, new ideas, inventions, and services to enhance life, work and play for people of all ages.

 TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com is entirely free to readers, listeners and viewers. Our income is entirely derived from web and email advertising however we don't sell any of the products, ideas or services we write about, so when you see enthusiasm and passion, you know it's not financially motivated. Similarly, we do not sell editorial or advertorial, or allow advertising to influence the tone or direction of our editorial. Our obligation is to our readership, not our advertisers.

We strive for a balanced news coverage and we are entirely independent. We write for a global audience and our outlook is not biased toward or against any country, gender, race or religion. Our aim is to eventually offer TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com content in all major formats and languages and some minor ones too.

We love the entrepreneurial spirit and we're supportive of good ideas, whether they be from a multi-national or a backyard bootstrap. If you have a good idea or invention, or have seen one, please let us know as our aim is to cover innovation of all forms. We're open to story pitches and we're also respectful of embargoed information. If you would like to provide a product or information prior to the release/launch date so that an informed story can be written, please get in contact.

TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com web audience is currently over 9000 unique visitors per month, with over 1700 subscribers across our email newsletter, RSS feeds and various social networks.

TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com audience is more than just about buying behaviors and demographics though. TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com readership is comprised of people who seek to remain informed of human progress across all fields. Well informed people are the logical enquiry points in the population and a significant percentage have their own audience as journalists or bloggers

There are many ways to interact with TechnologyFazer.BlogSpot.Com, whether you're seeking editorial coverage, advertising information, want to make a suggestion, have a problem or alert us to a story, run one of our stories in your publication or propose a business relationship, please contact us.

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